I’m not certain when or who began making felt into yardage
or squares, but it seems to be a craft item that has never gone out of style.
Every church bazaar from the 50’s and 60’s had a variety of items made from
felt. I’ve been going through a pile of Better Homes and Gardens
magazines from that era and there are many items made from felt within their
pages. I know that I’ll be dating myself when I say that I still have my first
Christmas stocking, over a half-century old, hand crafted from wool felt and won by my mom at a
church bazaar. And who doesn’t remember the felt boards at school with
all the felt shapes and letters? (OK if you are a 30 something or younger you may not remember).
Felt is a very inexpensive and forgiving product to work
with. It doesn’t ravel and can easily be cut and sewn by hand. If you have
pinking shears you can cut decorative edges and it can be glued to join pieces
together. If you have one of the cutting systems that are now available
(Sizzix, Spellbinders etc.) that come with shaped cutting dies, you can also die cut felt shapes for your crafting projects.
In response to a blog reader question about the dry needle
felted flowers in the previous posting, I felt (no pun intended) that making multiple flowers from commercial felt would be a better way to go. I tried out a few of the
many styles of flowers made from this humble crafting item. Here are my
In the photos I used a 5” square of commercial acrylic felt.
- Fold your square into quarters and trim to a circle shape.
- Cut a very loose spiral from the circle, starting narrow and ending wider towards the middle. Don’t make too many rounds.
- Cut a scalloped edge on one side as shown.
- Starting with the narrow end line up the non scalloped edge and wind the cut spiral around the centre core. Continue until the entire spiral, except the very inner circle, is wound.
- Place a dab of hot glue at the final round to secure.
- Glue the flat bottom of the flower and use the remaining felt to cover the base.

Directions for the other style of flower I tested may be found at
this site.